
Friday, December 13, 2013

Kun-Woo Paik Beethoven Piano Sonata No.17 3mov

Kun-Woo Paik Beethoven Piano Sonata No.17 3. movement

Recently, I introduced about Crossover music. There was a specific reason.

Have you heard of Absolute music before?
If so, you are interested in classical music very much.
Absolute music is a kind of music that was a main stream in 18th century. We can say about 18th music with three people - Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven.
Those three great composers had a concept about music should be performed in distinctive way. Moderation and temperation is really important matter in this concept.
There's no one who can darely say Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven was not much a good artist. But this Absolute music concept is not regarded as a fundamental concept.
Critics of music judges music as a relative one. Some music can be estimated to some critics as a best thing but not to everyone.

I like classical music is the best, but I don't like Hip-hop. Even I don't want to call Hip-hop as a music. But Hip-hop can be the best genre of music to somebody.

But I want to say that when a music reaches a peak point(the highest level), it is no doubt to say that some music performed absolutely perfect.

So, I want to recommend today, Kun-Woo Paik Beethoven Piano Sonata No.17 3mov because many critics compliments this performance as "absolutely great".

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